Very simple way of winning in this game - just do your bullshit before your opponent can do their bullshit

So I was watching PhiDX's newest video with Maximilian where he coached him in order to reach Tekken King. And at some point Max says something along the lines of "I just gotta do my bullshit before they can do their bullshit" and Phi responds and says that's the way he views T8 as in the optimal way to play. And finally it dawned on me. That's why the game feels so bad to play sometimes vs "so good" sometimes. I'm probably very late to this conclusion party but it's still a bit of an eye opener.

It's no longer about adapting and trying to read your opponent, well at least not as much as before. There is still an element of trying to predict your opponent but only so you can start "your bullshit". And if you manage to start your bs before your opponent, well your chances of winning just jumped exponentially.

So essentially I'm just happy I finally figured out what's been troubling me with this game.