Seeing a lot of Islamophobia here

I'm fully aware of the atrocities some muslims have done, but that's just a small number of people. These people do NOT represent the rest 1.9 billion muslims in the rest of the world. The way i see it, western media portrays us as terrorist individuals intent on initiating violence on LGBTQ+, women rights, and freedom generally. For me this isn't true in most muslim countries. For sure this doesn't align with what's usually said about muslims, but it's true. Western media exaggerates on how much muslims hate these things. Religious extremism is apparent in all religion, but it seems that only muslims take the blame. Let's put aside religious views for a sec.

What's important for you guys to understand is that there're a whole different kinds of culture around the world. Different countries and regions have different tolerancy to a lot of things, and not all muslims agree with each other on those things. The teachers from my school has thought us to be tolerant on queers, and not bully, abuse or discriminate them.

Care to ask me some questions? I'm a muslim living in southeast-asia. (not Indonesia)