Which grade level is best to teach in?
I'm EC-6, complete newbie, haven't had my first official full time teaching job yet (have only subbed so far) and I think I'm going to start looking for a position for the 22-23 school year. I'm having a hard time picking a grade level and would appreciate anyone with their own experiences and advice. I did my first two semesters of student observation at pre-k and it was horrifying. The kids were so precious, but their attention span is basically nonexistent. I did my student teaching for a 4th grade class. I like that they can work on their own but the content and planning that goes into it is overwhelming. The 4th grade teachers would group plan together and 80% of the time the lessons were already done for me, I only had to made the lesson materials for one (or two at most) subject and it still drained me. To be fair this was during the peak of COVID, I've been told by the teachers that that was the hardest year of their career, having to transition physical materials they've been working with for years to be digital and virtual friendly was a big hurdle. So I guess it's not typically this overwhelming?
I have considered maybe 2nd grade, obviously kids are a bit more aware of themselves and others compared to pre-k. They usually do a lot of hands-on activities and discovery through play rather than focusing mainly on completing assignments. As a more creative type of person I like the idea of creating arts & crafts projects for the kids to do, which I feel would be easier to plan for than higher grade levels (please correct me if I'm wrong). I also like the idea of teaching 6th grade and focusing on just one subject. The kids are older and can work independently. I feel like planning just one area would flow a lot smoother than trying to cover all 5.
I'm extremely nervous as a new teacher and really don't want to start off with a grade level that doesn't suit me. If any teachers could give me any advice or share their experiences, I would really appreciate it!