Possibly my first and last year teaching

This is my first year teaching (7th and 8th grade math and I only have foundational level math credential) and I understand how people are telling me how hard first year teaching is. I am considering moving on from teaching after my contract due to many factors, including the pressure for my students to do well in state testing and I don't have a positive relationship with the admin. After winter break, I wake up with the urge to throw up every morning and I had problem with my drinking habits to cope myself in the fall (my drinking as coping decreased because of my therapist). I feel like a failure and I start to recognize that teaching is not for me. I know that I am not the only one facing the problems (low math and reading literacy rate, students not taking academics seriously, burnout, stress for my students to do well in state testing, behavior management, not a positive relationship with the admin, etc.). I don't see myself teaching until 30 (24 now). I am not sure what skills I can bring to what's next or even what is the next thing I can do in life. Plus, I don't know if I want to teach next year.