Dad's gf claims teachers in NY in the 2000s were making $100k+ and that's "too much"

I'm (29F) not a teacher but a classified staff member who works very closely with teachers. Imo, teachers have some of the most demanding yet underpaid jobs for the burden that society puts on them.

So my dad's girlfriend who lived in New York for a long time said about 15-20 years ago, teachers were making $100k a year and that was "too much." She also claimed that they now make around $200k a year, which is apparently "insane." Not only can I not find any evidence of that being true, but it seems like, much like most places, teachers in NY aren't making $100k on average even now. I also told her that $100k a year doesn't go as far as you think it might, especially in places like NY and CA. "But they get summers off!" She said.

I tried pushing back and asking "why is $100k too much?" a few times, but didn't get an answer. This generation is so out of touch sometimes it hurts.