Crazy Target story thread
I figured this would be a good place for us to share crazy or wild stories from our time at Target. What has happened in your stores that left you a bit shocked? The crazier the better! I marked this thread NSFW since I don’t know what wild antics you all have experienced.
I have many, but the first that comes to mind was quite a long time ago, early 2000s I think. This group of about 10 people came in our store and started shouting about how our product promotes violence. They then went into the toy department and slapped stickers on every single item that had any kind of gun or weapon (nerf guns, super soakers, action figures that come with weapons, Clue board game, etc) that said something like “This item promotes violence against children”. The stickers were almost impossible to remove and ruined a lot of product. We tried to stop them but they had such a large group that they would block us from getting down aisles. One of them, a girl around my age, tackled me and pinned me to the ground. We called the police and they all fled before they could be caught. I heard later they hit up all kinds of other stores in the area (Wal Mart, K Mart, Toys R Us, etc). Fast Forward 2 years later, I was a Team Lead and was called up to do an interview. When I went to greet the candidate, it was the bitch that pinned me to the ground! Her eyes got wide and we instantly knew who each other were. She just immediately turned around and walked out without saying a word.