Why must fair PC players suffer because other PC players decide to cheat?

Listen, I love the game, I am glad there is finally after 3 weeks a patch. But WHY must we suffer because other people decide to cheat?

I play on PC and luckily all my other friends play on PC as well but still. Do you know what happens if I solo queue? Most lobbies are filled with xbox and PS5 players. When I solo queue 5/7 people are console players.

Why must we suffer with long queue times and even worse, why are FAIR pc players locked up with filthy cheaters?

I know this is temporarely, I am trying to see the positive side on this, but I really can't. I can only think about long queue times and being stuck with dogshit cheaters.

Also, the devs taking 3 weeks to fix some stuff makes me worried how long it'll take for this cheater problem to be solved.

If it takes to long I swear it'll kill the PC part of the community.