What do you think the big ticket feature will be?
The image is a 1996 cover for TES3 that at the time was to be called "Tribunal". Even before the province was to be decided on (Alinor was at one point seriously considered instead of Morrowind), there was a basic concept that in TES3, the Protagonist of the game would fight against 3 powerful Magic users, they would then go on to flesh out Vivec et al, as well as the organizations surrounding them.
In a 2022 interview, Todd stated that the big feature for TESVI had been decided on. What are you think or hope for, and how would you like it to be portrayed?
The image is a 1996 cover for TES3 that at the time was to be called "Tribunal". Even before the province was to be decided on (Alinor was at one point seriously considered instead of Morrowind), there was a basic concept that in TES3, the Protagonist of the game would fight against 3 powerful Magic users, they would then go on to flesh out Vivec et al, as well as the organizations surrounding them.
In a 2022 interview, Todd stated that the big feature for TESVI had been decided on. What are you think or hope for, and how would you like it to be portrayed?