Supporting Documents and IB


I am quite confused on how to submit my IB results to apply. For context, I have payed application fee, I am EU resident and doing IB, graduating this year. I understand I send the results in July when I receive them and based on my understanding I need to physically mail my results to the college as I need to add my CAO applicant number, stamps and other required information stated online directly to the results. I then mail all of this.

My IB coordinator responsible for getting results to colleges says TCD does take electronic copies and that in the absence of requests from the I do not need to send hard copy results. (Is them asking me to physically mail them not such a request?) additionally coordinator says results will make it to the school well after my application has gone in and they would come around September. (So shouldn’t I mail them before? Since I get the results in July and then I can here about potential offers)

Sooo…. Do I actually physically mail my results or leave it to coordinator? Would my copies be considered official or do they need to come directly from IBO(only digital, from what I know)?

Any help with this is greatly appreciated!!!!