Hi! I'm PeachJars AKA the OnlyFans Anime Girl. AMA!

Howdy, my name is Peach!I'm a 23 year old girl who dropped her accounting degree to pursue the world of butt pictures. I've been creating lewds for over 2 years now which is sexual /provocative photos without actual nudity. I'd like to say I leave little to the imagination and I believe taking lewds is a form of art give or take.I'm here to answer any burning questions you may have for a sex worker or about the industry in general! Or about my cats.Proof its a real e-girl

(Check out my twitter for more bullshit)

Also here is the video I was featured in on Syrmor's channel recently!

Edit: I’m offline for now but I use reddit frequently so I’ll answer periodically to new ones! Thanks for chatting with me. Have a good day :)