Getting too lazy to swim
So the issue is as mentioned in the title. I picked up swimming and running when I was going through a year long heartbreak, I picked it up towards the end to take my mind of things. During this time I was not feeling good and running made me feel better. Swimming also made me feel better. I used to like going to the gym.
I put in a lot of work into myself to heal from this breakup , I started eating right and healthy, I put work into my skin care, I started running and swimming, i started meditation, I started releasing my emotions, I started sound therapy and that really helped me heal.
Now that I'm fully healed, I feel like ive gotten myself back and I feel happy most of the time. HOWEVER now I dont like running anymore and I domt like swimming as much anymore. I've gone back to my happy self that loved listening to music and lying in bed and just enjoying it, I've gone back to myself who used to like eating out.
It's like I was miserable when I picked up running, and running made me feel better. I was doing the couch to 5K program and I used to push myself to finish each session successfully, and now it feels like torture and I give up. I go swimming much less. I used to be unhappy that I've missed the gym but now I have no misery for gym to take me out of so I dont like it as much. I had a new years resolution to run a 5k and to complete a swim marathon, and I was sticking to it for months but now it doesn't seem likely.
Any help? :( I feel like I had adopted this new identity of being a swimming/ running girl, I put so much energy into myself in other aspects of my life too during the healing and now I just stopped because im healed and spend my days just being happy and listening to music (not fully complaining about that)
Not sure I'd this made sense. I want to like running again, I want to like swimming again but I dknt want another breakup to get me to like these things again Thank you