Why is 100% organic clothing so expensive? And where can I get reasonably priced casual 100% organic cotton for everyday clothes?
I have \#fibromyalgia, psoriatic arthritis, chronic fatigue and an underactive thyroid. A few years ago, I gave up on 'conventional' doctors and synthetic medication, which seems to just cause more symptom’s that will inevitably have to be treated with further synthetic medication.
I've tried various things to improve my health through diets, detoxing and cutting out processed food. All of these things help to an extent, but I'm definitely still chemically overloaded and I feel sorry for my kidneys and liver! So, when I started researching, I was totally floored to discover the extent of chemicals & microplastics stuffed in my everyday clothing.
When I went online looking for 100% organic clothing, I was shocked at the prices. As a long-term chronically-ill person, my income is pretty limited. I want to try to cut polyester, acrylic, nylon etc out of my wardrobe, gradually as I can't afford to make any drastic changes, but why on earth is 100% organic clothing so expensive? And where can I get reasonably priced casual 100% \#organiccotton for everyday clothes?