B6 P5P, prolactin, and the male refractory period: dull orgasms?
Vitamin B6 P5P is the most commonly recommended supplement to reduce the male refractory period after orgasm.
I made a related post recently on another sub and a guy there mentioned P5P greatly reduces his refractory period, but the monkey’s paw curls and he also has dull orgasms as a result.
This is very similar to how I felt during a recent P5P experiment (~250mg).
However, I cannot find any other reports of this type of phenomenon online, nor any reports of other prolactin-limiting options such as Cabergoline causing dull orgasms in addition to eliminating the RP. Only reports of P5P and/or Caber reducing or eliminating the RP, with some even reporting better orgasms rather than dull ones.
Anyone else notice anything similar or have ideas as to why this might be the case?