Just some nice words for an ape

I'm having a really hard time the last months and I try to keep it together but it's getting harder day by day. Without getting to personal I did what I can (go outside, talk with family and friends, do sports etc) I'm still feeling lost most of the times. You're like a second family so I wanted to talk to y'all to. I know this has nothing to do with GME but it kinda does because this saga also continues to take a stroll on me. I'm planning on something nice for the community but I have to find the time to finish it.

Hope you're all doing better and don't be afraid to ask for help!

Edit: I'm overwhelmed with all the love and positivity here💜 I truly love and appreciate everyone of you. Feel free to PM me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I'm heading out for gym rn to get my head free. Every ape in a bad place rn, please comment here and you will get help!

Edit2: I'm back from the gym which helped me a lot but to be honest it couldn't as much as you guys did today❤️.

I am at a loss for words to express how grateful I am for all of you. Seeing all the comments and pms just.... wow. I'll try to reply to every single one of you and hope that you all amazing people out there have a wonderful weekend infront of you! Forget the FUD and let's all go in touch with loved ones and nature🍻.

Thank you apes ❤️