I want to “fail” a suicide attempt so I can ultimately get help
I want to hurt myself in a way that seems like a suicide attempt but won’t kill me or give me long lasting effects (like brain damage) so I can get the help I need.
I truly am considering the act of suicide but I want to try getting help, however the hospital I go to doesn’t take patients with suicidal thoughts seriously unless they’re actually hurt.
Additionally, I also want attention. I can’t believe I’m even admitting it, but I feel like everyone in my life thinks i’m “just saying it” and that I’m never gonna get the balls to do anything.
I know how incredibly selfish that is of me but I’m tired of having everyone assume that I’m fine and that I’ll get over what I’m struggling with because I’ve been struggling for years and I’m exhausted.
I don’t have any options and I’m going to find a way regardless, this is just one of my last resorts. I don’t have any more to give
So, I ask if anyone knows ways that will seem like an attempt but not kill me. I’m too much of a coward to take pills because I’m anxious of the potential brain damage, but if there’s some sort of dosage of something that will make me pass out or something that could pass as an attempt I would appreciate it.