For those struggling with CCS cases

Ok, so I am pursuant of a non clinical specialty (path to be precise) and have been far from clinical medicine for 10 years. CCS cases were the most daunting for me, like I haven't seen a patient in years, my fear was : I wouldn't be able to come up with any any test and every patient will give me a negative update.

And so I embarked on a search to find a strategy to score highest in the shortest period of time because due to some life circumstances, I had very less time to study.

I took day 2 today and can say that by the Grace of God, I was able to perform well, got positive updates on most patients, and knew the diagnosis on all. (Hope my results say the same, fingers crossed) 🤞

Here is how:

1) I watched these videos, memorized the mnemonics in the first general video. --> watched one system video eg CVS. Then did the cases for that system CVS on CCS Cases. com. I went straight from scoring 40% to 80/90 % by watching and memorizing the goals of treatment and diagnosis from the videos. Somehow they stuck better like a teacher had taught me everything step by step.

2) In case you are wondering how to do CCS Cases system wise here is a link to know system wise case numbers:

3) there is one deficiency though, these videos don't cover all 173 cases yet (hope this person makes more) but for now all the high yield ones are covered.

As you know I didn't have a lot of time, so I just focused on the ones in these videos and after mastering from video practiced only those on ccs cases. com. If you have time, sure go ahead and do all for the systems.

But if you are short on time/want to do most important ones, these video series got you covered.

4) my experience today after doing just the cases from these videos:

The cases I got minus one were all covered by these videos so I sailed smoothly through them.

One case was not even covered by CCS (yes I know because I know all the CCS. Com diagnosis)

I panicked at first OMG I have no idea what this is, it wasn't covered in the video 🙈 but I just stuck to ordering the most basic labs from CUBE T3 maple mnemonic from video and guess what? I found the diagnosis and managed accordingly Praise be to God.

Okay, sorry for the long post. I was just too excited to share everything that worked for me, hope it works for you all too and you ace your CCS and Step 3 God willing!

PS: old link for CCS Cases looks like it is blocked.

Try this new one: