273 Write-up.
Oh dear step2, I'm so in awe that we're finally parting ways.
So this writeup is nowhere near conclusive but it is to describe my convoluted prep while having a research assistant job, Step2 took me 1 year but this is highly variable I know many that scored higher with 6 months prep but I honestly can't do the med student 10 hours a day behind a laptop thing.
UWorld:1 pass, which I created notes on the UW notebook during my percentage was 84% but that number means shit, UW is there for you study so 50,60,70 it's all the same if you put the hours to revise and work on your weaknesses, Step1 had a huge role in this considerably "high" correct rate but even with a weaker base you can refine it as you go further. After that I did incorrect and marked questions then looked over the notes and created screenshots of the flow-charts and protocols that I kept forgetting. P.S:I did UW untimed tutored.
CMS forms: Beautiful and concise questions that are somewhat close to the exam style, Do them in timed exam-setting mode to build up stamina for exam day, I'd say 1 hour per 50 question block is reasonable. I did almost 30ish had 87%ish correct, Didn't do the old "retired" ones.
Divine intervention: I ride almost daily, I listened to a lot of Divine intervention and I gotta pay this man his dues, with that being said it would enough to go over his high-yield podcasts list that you can easily find on this subreddit. N.B: Try not to use DI as a study material but more like a revision one or to get exposure to a subject, He usually gives a hefty chunk info over a short period so if you use it as a sole study method you might find the podcasts not that useful plus you might miss on info.
Randy Niell biostat videos: Call me old school idc the man aces biostats so yes I did do them again along with the FA step1 material, Trust me you don't want to miss the extra points you might get from biostats.
Amboss: I did only the behavioral and quality control questions plus some of the articles, Useful and fills in some of the UW gaps in these subjects.
Some random things I want say:
- Get familiar with the NBMEs on a deep level, Study these assessments after you solve them.
- Look at the CDC's vaccine webpage, very useful.
- Divine covers the risk factors very well.
- Exam is doable this ain't a cliche but with the right mindset while studying ignoring the hype you would be way more productive.
- Perfect study plants do NOT exist, We all have bad and good days.
- If a day is fucked up try to enjoy whatever time left and get a good sleep, come back stronger tomorrow.
- Abstract questions are kept last but that doesn't mean they're hard.
NBME9: 267
NBME14:265-267 not sure
Exam day and post-exam:
Take water and protein bars + paracetamol/ibuprofen just in case the headache kicks in. Don't consume simple sugars and always use the bathroom between breaks even if you don't feel it.
When solving blocks be smart, If you're unsure about ur answer flag and move on you will have time later to have a second lock and maybe get a different perspective on the question, Keep the abstracts last but don't miss on them if you don't know the answer to one option that doesn't mean you won't be able to get the other two.
FLAG FLAG FLAG, when unsure 100% flag, I had certain blocks with 20ish questions flagged don't get distracted by the number as your threshold to flag must be low. when going over the block again if you have enough time go through the unflagged questions too, But don't second guess ur shit if you can't justify it I change several questions to wrong because of that, but again that's a normal part of any exam process.
Post exam: I kept thinking about the questions I changed for about the first two days but then I just surrendered to the fact that it's something that happens in EVERY exam we'll ever take, I knew I did well but still I thought I'd be in the late 60's but yeah this really felt good.
I hope all of you get the scores you're looking for,
This write-up has tons of typos but honestly who cares hehe, If you have any questions leave a comment and I'll answer it to my best knowledge.