Boomer shooters are an absolute f*ckn blast on the deck!
Up until now I had exclusively used it for playing roguelites, as they just feel so darn good on a handheld device. I can put them down whenever, short satisfying runs, and the gameplay loop just fits perfectly. It’s kind of like Switch that I used to fiddle around with a whole lot more — except better, plain and simple. More games, and better games across the board. But my latest fascination - in fact the main genre I started gaming on the deck - are the so called “boomer shooters” or I guess retro shooters if you wanna get technical about it. They’re also straight to the point, no nonsense and get me my daily dopamine shot. And in my case specifically, they’re a genre I just never touched much on PC ever since… the early 2000s when I was a kid lol
Like I said, they’re pretty much the only type of game I’m blasting when I take my deck with me anywhere but especially when I take a hit off my pipe and just wanna lie back in my bed and no-brain something satisfying. My main dopamine shots are currently these shooters
- Cultic – It’s like Dusk except better. It’s a more difficult game overall but you can pull of some crazy moves by sliding and using the environment. The game ain’t as long as Dusk but the atmosphere, music, and enemies are spot on. Each zone is very distinct and the pacing has a really nice tempo to it, although it takes maybe half an hour to get back into the “zone” when I put the game down for a day
- SULFUR – Came across this recently and only played the free demo on Steam (full release is next Monday it seems) and it got my attention b/c it combines the classic shooter design with some RPG-lite elements and meshes it all into a roguelite kind of loop. Pretty difficult at start too, but very addictive once you clear your first run and only gets better. Lots of weapons, lots of items, gets intense the more you have at stake and comic in a dark-comic sorta way. Looking forward to how the full game will play for sure
- Prodeus – I want to call this game the Duke Nukem “that should have been”. Beautiful game, pretty to look it, lots of interactions throughout all levels, straightforward story and the option to switch between the “modern” look and pixelated (I play on the second b/c just feels right). Not a lot to say except that it slaps, it’s also what I’d call the poor-man’s DOOM except that’s an equally good alternative imho
So… anyone else enjoying boomer shooters here as much as me right now? If yes, what games you playing?