Missing SWA Starhawk Ship Cards
I recently acquired a used SWA Starhawk with missing Starhawk-class Battleship Mark I & II tarot-size ship cards, defense tokens, speed and command dials, and the upgrade cards. Fortunately, the shield dials and cardboard base were present with the model. I purchased an upgrade card collection earlier this year so I should be able to cover the missing officers, titles and upgrades. As for dials, I plan on building 400-point fleets and anticipate that I will simply use dials from other ships in my collection that are not in use.
I currently do not have a regular hobby store to play at so I can't bum borrow ship cards from other players so I thought I would look at 3rd party websites for printing cards. I was looking at Custom Playing Cards Printing Game Design Company (makeplayingcards.com) but it seems way more economical to order in bulk than to order a handful of cards. If I order off MPC, I can get 1-5 tarot-sized playing cards at $11.65. I wanted to know if the SWA community had other suggestions for printing or acquiring my own tarot-sized ship cards. Does it make sense to print other ships cards? What is the best card stock and finish? I heard CIS / Republic faction ship cards were standard-sized, but I don't even think about building Clone War fleets until I flesh out my Rebel / Imperial factions. Were all Imperial / Rebel ship cards printed tarot-sized or are there any standard-sized outliers?