Sso being called a 'buying simulator'
Allright so. What the hell? I was on the instagram page, trying to see if there were ANY spoilers for the bazaar. On multiple posts i saw people just...complain. Not even like 'Hey, i think if u did xyz like xzy it would be better!' wich is constructive and udnerstandable to do. Instead i saw sm ppl be like 'Sso is so bad now' e.c e.c All over Sso wannting to make money. Wich honestly is understandable tho??? Firts off all things u buy dont rly give u an unfair advantage. Horses dont have dif stats and clothing stats, idk i font even look at those lol. And secondly its a COMPANY they got bills and staff to pay e.c e.c. I really dont think its that bad. Sure it sucks that horses are this ecpensive now but it makes sence in the greater sceme of things?? Just Star rider and the bundles arent gonna sustain a whole COMPANY??
Maybe im missing something idk id be happy to hear anyone elses take on this tho🫶
(also this is ko hate towards the ppl voicing there upset or sso in general)