Possible impending mayhem

So we know SSO is cracking down on people who broke TOS and cheated, but we are unaware how exactly they’re going through with it. If people report individuals clearly cheating or with “illegal” horse coats, tipping them off to SSO to get banned, that’s one thing. But some part of me is concerned if they outright ban anyone who has “exploited” material detected on their account without needing to be reported.

The game is notorious for being glitched. Remember last year how people were getting banned for having powders obtained “legally”? My worry is if they implement an account scanner to see if players items or horses / stats are all following TOS, can we trust it will work properly? Support has never been helpful, so if people’s accounts get banned because of something out of their control, I’m sure they won’t do anything about it.

I’m not writing this to fear monger or stir the pot, I’m making that very clear. I just want to hear other’s opinions on the matter. If anyone knows more about how things like this work, please feel free to educate me.