I hate the Hidden Dinosaur.

Hi! So i started playing SSO in (i think) 2012. I was around 6 years old back then. I recently got the lifetime star rider after 12 years of being a broke kid and buying only star riders for a week very occasionally 😭. I started doing the main quests and I finally got the dino valley this year. I was very amazed at first because of the long wait but I have to tell you that i really dislike it right now, especially when doing the main quests there. Am I the only one that thinks its just boring as noone goes there anymore, but also it scares me. It’s so big and I always get lost there. And it just looks blank to me, everything is just snow and dried bushes. When I was a kid a lot of places in SSO did scare me but this one is just on top of the list. Please tell me im not the one rn because im 18 and I feel like im left out being anxious about a kids game😭. I would be pleased to hear your opinions on this place and about the main plot of the game. xo