Fast Flux.1 Dev (in 8 steps!) - Turbo Alpha: First Impressions and Testing Results
I spent my Saturday morning testing out the newly released Flux.1 Dev Turbo Alpha.
Here’s what I learned:
• Quality vs. Speed Trade-off: It maintains most of the quality of Flux Dev, but there is an obvious decline in fine details (generations are done in 8 steps). You will notice details are off (e.g., a waterfall in an unexpected spot or a crooked pole).
• Excels at Short Text: The model performs great with short wordmarks. For example, “Hello Autumn!” worked perfectly. However, it struggled with longer phrases like “Flux Dev in 8 steps!”
• Impressive Quality-to-Step Ratio: Despite the reduced step count, the overall quality is quite good. I’m impressed with the results.
Next Steps: I haven’t experimented with LoRAs yet, but that’s on my to-do list!
If you want to test it for yourself (the comparison), check it out here:
For those interested in the Comfy Workflow, you can grab the workflows directly from Hugging Face along with the weights:
Has anyone else tried Flux.1 Dev Turbo Alpha?