Attitude, Ruthless Aggression, or PG: which era do you like most?

Attitude Era: larger than life stars, unforgettable moments, wrestling at its most popular peak, anything goes.

Ruthless Aggression: a toned down attitude era. Coming of age stars such as Orton, Cena, Batista, Lesnar. Legends at their best such as Mysterio, Taker, Angle, Eddie, Michael’s. Good in-ring action. Brand split.

PG Era: HD presentation. Great rivalries (Cena/Orton, HBK/Taker, Cena/Punk, Edge/Taker). Guest hosts. Star studded roster (especially 08-09). Pipebomb. Viper Orton. Jeff Hardy’s rise to the top. Return of the Rock, Bret, and Brock.