Voting is hard

Here in the US we have elections going on, and while I do feel strongly that I should always vote since I can. I do still find the process to be really difficult for me in a lot of ways.

Honestly there was a portion of my life when I first was old enough to vote where I felt like I genuinely just couldn't understand the things I was voting on well enough to feel qualified to make a decision on it, at first I'd skip voting on things I felt that way about and only vote on the things I'm sure of.

Now I do try to vote on everything. The only things I still consistently feel hesitant on are things like bonds, taxes, wages, etc. Anything that affects the economy. I don't feel like I can recognize whether somethings is an economically viable plan or really wrap my head around the potential consequences of a given change, I can't even manage my own budget without my mom helping me with it.

The problem I do still run into every single election though is just how much energy it takes to find, read, and process the information I need to make a decision. It's exhausting, I usually have to spend at least a few days on getting through just the quick reference voter guide. And I always feel burnt out and less able to function during election season because of it.

I definitely thought I had more to say on the topic but between reading the voters guide and a recent change to my meds I'm kind of out of brainpower right now. I still think it's important that I vote I just wish it were more accessible. I am at least grateful that where I live everyone is sent a mail in ballot so I don't have to go out to be able to vote, just have to remember to fill it out and send it on time.

I'm curious to know if anyone here has similar experiences or feelings towards voting