Andalusia Towns / Cities!

My boyfriend and I applied with Andalusia as our number one choice hoping we would get to pick our city/school. Our inscrita numbers are 357 and 526 so I feel pretty good about getting our top choice. We are starting to look into what areas we want to be in and would love to hear anybodies experiences from anywhere in the region. So far we our top choices are Seville, Granada, Torremolinos, Málaga and Sanlúcar de Barrameda as our top options but are still very very open and have been a list of about thirteen other options we have also thought about.

If you have auxed in Andalucia what area and school were you in? If you are willing to share a bit about your experiences (pros and cons, cost of living, support from the school, ease of travel, generally how you have liked it) I would be SO appreciative for any insight! Feel free to PM me if that is easier for you,

Anything helps!