Just going to rip the band-aid off
I am not saying it is all bad! I just thought it would be fun to poke at the low hanging fruit so take what I am saying with a grain of salt!
My family and I recently relocated from Oregon to SB for work.
Dunkin Donuts coffee is fucking gross.
The coffee selection around here is terrible. We were very spoiled in the PNW.. Coffee is on basically every corner.
Your roads are a fucking dumpster fire. Everyone in the PNW thinks the roads are the worst there.. I can say without a doubt the roads in SB are WAYYY worse.. It's like riding on a rollercoaster as I bob and weave dodging pot holes the size of the moon.
No one obeys basic traffic laws... I am sure you have all heard of a "California Stop".. Here you have the "South Bend Slide".. No one stops at stops signs.. everyone stops WAYY to far into cross walks.. half the time cars are damn near into cross traffic.. Turn into the nearest lane? never heard of it here apparently. That last one is pretty common everywhere but it is very noticeable here with the many 4 lane roads crossing each other at stop lights.
We love the neighborhood we moved into. It is quiet and has a lot of foot traffic walking dogs, kids at the park , etc (when its warm enough that is!). It feels like a neighborhood and so far everyone I have met has been very nice and polite.
If you got any suggestions for places to explore let me know! Food, scenic areas, fishing, exhibits, whatever!