Why do my boules always pancake when my sandwich loaves are perfect?

🍞 Michigan baker here - Why do my boules always pancake when my sandwich loaves are perfect?

Long-time home baker struggling with flat boules despite consistently successful sandwich loaves. My starter is super active (doubles in 4-6 hours) and I've got my sandwich loaf game down to a science, but every boule I attempt spreads.

I've tried SO many different recipes with different flour, counter bulk rise vs fridge etc, but they all end up looking like the picture. I’m living in Michigan where it's currently cold and dry, though I don't think that's the culprit since my sandwich loaves turn out great.

Any help would be appreciated!!

Recipe I used for this recent loaf:

100g starter 375g of water 10g salt 500g bread flour

Mix starter and water, then add salt and flour. Mix until a shaggy dough is formed. Let that rest for an hour and a half (she did a dry towel). Once 1.5 hours have passed, start a series of 4 stretch and folds each one hour apart. Then cover with towel (dry again) and let it bulk ferment for 1.5-2 hours. Shape it into a ball and put it in the fridge overnight. For baking, preheat your dutch oven at 475, then turn it down to 425 and then pop it in for 20 minutes lid on and 20 minutes lid off.