Typical fals rise??
This is my second starter. the first one I killed after accidentally partially baking it…anyways lol the first day, it doubled in size which happened to my first starter and everyone said it was a false rise. Now, day two, it has not only risen but it busted out of the jar! I never got my first starter to double in size after the first false rise on day 1 so I am not sure if this is normal?? How long will it false rise for? It also smells way better than my first starter, almost like a sweet corn smell..idk how else to explain it. Also it’s way more bubbly and like “crunchy” sounding when stirred
For context, Im feeding 60 g water / 60 g flour. First time around I was just winging it basically, but this time I am following a book 🙏🏼