Hot take: Sonic Generations… Kinda sucks
I had the game on PS3 way back when, and I didn’t much like it then either, but now on PS5 playing it through SxS:G… It’s bad. The level design is good, but held back by the fact that Sonic controls about as well as wet butter. (This isn’t a skill issue either, I’ve S-ranked most stages first or second try.) And I don’t like replaying the game. Classic Sonic is 100% not my thing at all, so completely ignoring that, Modern Sonic gameplay isn’t that great either. The homing attack is slow and even unresponsive at times, the level design is a bitch, and I won’t even talk about Planet Wisp. (I fucking hate Planet Wisp in this game, I swear to God.) I just hear so, so much Generations glazing in most Sonic Discord servers I’m in so I decided to see if Reddit is much the same.
So… Yep. Would like to hear your thoughts whether agreeing or disagreeing, I’m curious if this is a rare sentiment or not.