I love when men are in class!
On top of all the many reasons why those anti-men-in-solidcore posts are dumb, I think there are so many benefits to having men in class! I fully realize how problematic this sounds, but as a woman who has gone to so many hyper-feminine almost infantilizing workouts with words like "sculpt" "tone" and "lengthen," it feels good to go to a workout that men actually find legit too. Even though I'm very feminine, I appreciate what the dark/loud/tough/no-frills atmosphere brings out in me, and the presence of men really adds to that. I also feel pretty cool when I out-lift the men or realize we're doing the exact same exercises. They make me work harder!!! I definitely don't get that same high when I'm at a barre class with stick-figure ballerinas! (Not to say they aren't strong, but it's different!)