Advice For Transition Timeline

My ETS is at the end of May 2024 which means I can start my CSP at the end of November 2023. I was looking at different programs and my qualifications and was wondering whether certain sacrifices would be worth the payout.

Mainly, I’m looking at applying to the MSSA CSO program which starts Jan 2024 but it ends in early May 2024 and I will literally have a week and a half to clear out. Also, the application process starts a few months before so I would be missing opportunities in the month of December if I were able to find a different internship in that period. Is it worth trying to lock in this program with a possibility of getting denied or if I find an internship opportunity earlier on I.e. December, I should take that? I would say I’m competitive in being selected based on my certifications, degree, and experience, but I don’t want to leave anything to chance.

Also, I don’t mind not using terminal leave IF the opportunity is worth the time, but it definitely hurts to see 60 days go bye bye.