First time watcher finished season 4

Am I the only one who was a tad disappointed by the resolution of the Lisa's Death arc. I definitely suspected that there was more to Lisa's death than a simple suicide because like Nate said it she would never leave Maya and since she died offscreen. I understand how it turns out that she had a thing going on with her B-I-L and he killed her to prevent her from telling his wife/her sister. Although that doesn't entirely make sense since Lisa would also be destroying her relationship with pretty much her entire family and Nate. The execution (pardon the pun) of the reveal following the B-I-L killing himself seemed like sloppy writing to me as well. If you were the B-I-L in this scenario surely you'd make sure there was no way your wife could overhear, I mean he could have at least shut the door. I am fine with the broad strokes but I feel like the writing could have used another draft or two.

I feel like it would have been better if Lisa was just killed by a stranger or if we never actually found out the truth about her death (which is what I thought would happen).