Pressure under eyes/along bridge of nose
Fwiw I do not have health insurance so am just trying to figure out what I need to take or do to minimize how awful this feels.
I have - no congestion - no difficulty breathing - no pain at all
- massive pressure like someone shoving their thumbs under my eyes/along the bridge of my nose
So far there are only two things which seem to cause it to subside, cold of any kind, and sleep.
Cold will cause it to subside for a few minutes at best, and sleep causes it to subside for 3-4 hours.
This has been happening off and on for three+ months, and persisted through two different antibiotic cycles.
Additional note, I do have a dental infection from a failed root canal but again, no pain of any kind from that and it is not increasing/growing in any way.
Does this seem like a sinus infection to those that get them frequently? I have never experienced anything like this before.
The only other thing I could think would be that this is blood pressure/inflammation related, as I am on the edge of pre-hypertensive.