
I currently feel very trapped. I am about to marry someone I love and have known for over ten years. My family likes him, and we have started looking for places to host the wedding. However, my boyfriend has never taken the initiative to view these places with us, and neither has his mother shown any interest. She has always preferred to host events at home to save costs, which I am not comfortable with.

She has sponsored the weddings of her other children, and we have never asked her for a single cent. Honestly, I feel that she has no respect for me or my ideas. My boyfriend doesn’t even bother to accompany us for the viewings. He came once and made a few negative comments about the area. In the end, I didn't secure the venue and found out that the space isn’t rentable. I also don’t think my boyfriend respects me or my ideas.

I feel very uneasy being home. My mother has been bothering me, and her lack of saving money along with unnecessary expenses is driving me crazy.

I feel honestly trapped, and I’m going mad.