Failing to yield at zebra crossing

Do Singaporean drivers not know how to yield at zebra crossings? Are pedestrians invisible to those drivers? WTF is the point of a zebra crossing if these drivers dont know how to stop and give way?

I was crossing the zebra crossing and this Indian driving a white bmw 3 series casually drove inches in front of me, wtf!
To that driver, fuck you understand? knn ccb your mother die already la fucking idiot, typical Indian move, no manners, no balls, you pussy. sit so low in the car. you think what, you f1 driver is it? cannot make it, dont try to act like you are an f1 driver la you stupid fuck. no wonder you didn't give way at the zebra crossing la, cus you can't see shit. you need booster seat or not? I can go buy for you, you fucking dimwit