What I’ve Learned At 28
This isn’t to sound pretentious, this isn’t to sound better than anyone, this isn’t to say precious metals are going to go to the moon, or any market will go to the moon.
What I’ve learned at the ripe age of 28 is that nobody knows what the hell they are talking about, and that in every market ever it’s pure speculation. Trust me, I’ve been active in several for the last decade~
From Crypto, to Pokemon cards, to Stocks (IRA’s/401K’s/Tax Accounts).
I grew up around my step father being a gold and commodities trader, who was on the floor for 20 years, he’s the biggest of bears possible, who’s been a profitable trader every year of his life, but even he has historically been wrong about the run PM’s have taken.
The truth is, there is no perfect analysis by anyone who will be able to determine “is this a good price to buy it?”
The key to this life is the framework behind it. You want to be able to enjoy life, and not be stressed. So many of us are depressed, and struggling, because our framework is shot, and we are blindly chasing god knows what anymore.
Build a successful framework, or copy one that works, make it your own, then you will never have to ask that question again.
Some key concepts I try to live by, I borrow from Mr Ramsey, no CC debt that you can’t pay off monthly to not eat interest, emergency fund, cash, you need to be liquid in an emergency, I actually have a car payment, you should try your best to eliminate this, but I commute A TON, get reimbursed for it, and am not mechanical, so I bend on this rule.
Beyond that the equation becomes super simple, MAX YOUR DAMN IRA’S, do your employer match for your 401k, then buy whatever the hell you want. These have tax incentives baked into them, and you need to leverage known incentives.
Saving for a house by a certain date? Create a savings goal for it, but nobody, and I mean nobody can or ever will accurately be able to predict the movement or future forecast of a certain market. So buy things you love, not just because you think it will make money, but because they’re shiny, and we like them.