E1331 comment reformatted as to the most likely answer.
There are 3 men at the bar, E1331, Team Cherry and r/Silksong, E1331 seeks company, so E1331 makes a joke, team cherry doesn't react, and r/Silksong is confused.
E1331 asks if he can say another, team cherry doesn't react, r/Silksong says sure.
E1331 makes another joke, Team cherry doesn't react, and r/Silksong is entertained, and now wants to tell a joke too.
r/Silksong makes a joke, Team cherry doesn't react, E1331 is entertained.
E1331 likes r/silksong but is confused why Team cherry is so quiet.
Years go by, and these 3 men are still exchanging jokes,
One after another, these 3 men hear probably every joke there is, every set up that exist, every punch line that could be, every misdirection that's been, was said at this counter.
But Team cherry still doesn't react. r/Silksong starts to get annoyed.
"Does he really not care about us?" said r/Silksong
"Well, he is still here, isn't he? So he has to like the jokes." said E1331
"What if he is just pretending to like them, so we pay his bill at the end?"
"Hey, team cherry! Tell us a joke too." said r/Silksong
team cherry makes a joke.
"Cake? Really? I don't get it." said r/Silksong
"Maybe he is just hungry?" said E1331
"This is your joke? All this time you are sitting here, and this is what you give us?" said r/Silksong
After few minutes pass, E1331 starts laughing. He laughs and laughs like no tomorrow.
"What's so funny? I don't get it." said r/Silksong
"Me too, b-but, he sits here all this time, and this is what he does! The look on your face r/Silksong I can't get enough, it's just so funny!"