Best hacks to get customers on social media
I will follow -
- marketing on X
- marketing on reddit
- marketing on short video platforms
This is typically for SaaS founders.
X marketing hacks -
- Join communities like-
- Build in public
- Startup community
- Indie founders etc
- Do 5 posts a day about your niche
- Do 2 build in public post about your SaaS
- Schedule 3 posts for time when you sleep
- Do at least 70 comments
- Don't just engage with same accounts
- Engage with your potential customers
- Don't post for getting followers but just help
- Make value adding posts which people will bookmark and share
- Share about your results, niche and learnings
- Engage more on comments and less in DMs
- Help lower followers accounts for long term relationships
Reddit marketing hacks
- Do promotional posts only for free tools and services
- Upvote every good comment on your post
- Don't argue with haters and leave their comments as it is.
- Make posts that people will share - share tips, tricks etc
- Do only 1 promotional post a week per sub reddit rest just add more and more value
- Comment on other posts to help people, people love supporting and real constructive comments
- To increase comment karma engage on posts with less than 10 upvotes.
- Don't do DM promotions.
- Comment your SaaS in posts asking for roasts and reviews.
- Do not spam! Max 1 per sub reddit in 12 hours.
Marketing on instagram, tiktok and youtube
- Use these platforms for long term followers
- Use ads here for instant sales
- Show demo to get customers.
- Use hook formula to create engaging content
- Get ad templates and hook templates
- Use trending music and cuts.
- Content barter is new hack this year.
I have used reddit and X to do more than $10K for my own SaaS.
Now I will start ads soon.