Bread and butter job related to story telling?
I'm looking for a new job. And with my education in architecture, I could search for a job in that area. But I've already sort of moved a bit away from architecture with my current job.
So now I thought; why don't I try to find some job related to story telling, in some form or another, where I feel like I could learn something as a screenwriter.
So my question is - and please just shot away with an open mind - what jobs do you consider to be a good place for leaning as a writer?
It could be something with archives of films or books, it could be something with people, it could be writing about something else for a company that inspires your fiction writing, working in a bookshop ... the list goes on.
Do you have a bread and butter job that you find either is or somehow relates to developing your stories?
What is it?