sat reading timing

most people say that the social science passage is the easiest in the reading section, but for me it's really not. i spend 5 minutes reading, and 18 minutes overall (13 min on the questions), so for the rest of the section i have to play catch-up on time. i don't think that i need to necessarily speed up my reading, because i can spend 5 minutes reading for literature and still only spend 11 minutes overall. however, the 5 minutes deficit caused by the 18 minutes means that i cant finish the last science passage questions on time... and sometimes the social science passage questions are really confusing and the answer choices are similar. i think my only issue is timing because on most of my practice tests i can get all questions right except for social science and the last science passage (because of time). please help me, my mom won't let me out of the house until i can fix this.