Neighborhood avocados

I’ve only been in Santa barbara for six years, what’s the etiquette as it relates to asking to pick avocados in people’s yards? I walk under trees with football sized hass avocados every day, and year after year, these residents don’t pick them, they end up shriveling up, falling off, ultimately, rotten and worthless. Is it considered rude to knock on the door and ask to pick their avocados? I would happily give them 70% of what I yield, I feel like it’s such a waste. I always hope to see the neighbors out when I’m walking past with my children or dog, yet day after day I don’t ever see them out, and the trees are in the front yard and hang over the sidewalk (not within arms reach). so it’s constantly on my mind. I don’t get it help me out!

any information on avocado / fruit etiquette is appreciated