Does anyone have any insider info on what projects are all currently underway in the Railyards?
I did some searching around here but nothing really answers my question, so I’ll ask it.
I drive through there on the regular because I cross the I street bridge every day. About a month ago a construction site popped up between the Jiboom street viaduct, and the freeway structure. It has a large number of trailers they use for long term construction projects. A massive drill, concrete making machinery, and so on.
Even more recently on the other end of the complex, they have been putting in streets, sewers, sidewalks fiber, and whatnot installed, and there are now a bout 20 construction trailers in the lot across the street. So something is happening over on that end too.
The kicker is now today, Bercut is closed, and that whole lot on the other side of the freeway is being re-fenced off and I saw a bunch of guys in hi viz with some surveying equipment down in the lot.
So, anyone got any intel on what’s being worked on?
I hope it’s the Kaiser, but I also heard there was a hotel going in over there too maybe?