I'll shatter your SaaS hopes and dreams - using all of my 20+ years of building and testing 1000s of landing pages to savagely roast yours for free.

Few industries are as bad at marketing as the SaaS crowd.

But thats a good thing.

Be a tech genius.

If it helps, non profits are by far, the worst.

Like many coders, I am a bit neurotic. Everything for me is a formula. Everything is rules. Everything is a meticulously crafted and relentlessly tested process. I execute with laser-like focus and precision. If you didn't know me, you'd think I was autistic.

In my mind, things are either perfect or they are wrong and require immediate attention.

I have built and tested 1000s of high performing landing pages over the years (particularly with my own affiliate marketing and running affiliate programs) and managed well over $200,000,000.00 in ad spend with Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Microsoft Ads and countless others. I have spent years doing everything from selling 1000s of leads per day to affiliate programs, to running ads for large catalog ecommerce sites for national retailers to small business lead gen and everything in between.

I say all of this to say that I am not guessing when I offer feedback.

Everything matters when it comes to landing page performance and conversion rate optimization.

What is said, where it's said, how it's said and when it's said and the visuals which accompany those words are the difference between you paying $100.00 a lead, getting 10 leads a day or paying $10.00 a lead and getting 100 leads a day for the same ad spend with better lead quality.

With the limited space in the comments, I will try to offer as much detail as possible in replying to you, and try to communicate as much clarity as possible about exactly what you need to do, to fix what are the biggest problems with your landing page.

Leave your landing page URL in the comments and I'll get to as many as I possibly can each day.

Completed so far with a summary/preview added to their comment:

  • As Specific As a Fortune Cookie - oncliq .co PDF HERE
  • The Unsatisfying Game of "Guess What We Offer" - learnwithtree .com PDF HERE
  • Carnival of Chaos. shutout .app - PDF HERE
  • A Digital Ransom Note - youactuallysuck .com - PDF HERE
  • If Bland Had a Mascot - pdfq. com - PDF HERE

I'll keep doing these as time allows.

If you need urgent help, DM me.