Update on my previous Reactive hiv test

Previous post - https://www.reddit.com/r/STD/s/iqINV8vbMu

So, the first test came as premilaniry reactive result and they couldn’t able to complete the full test and asked for recollection. I went again and gave another sample for the same Ab/p24 which came as HIV-1 positive.


I’ve went to urgent care today. Nurse came in and checked my vitals, I already been getting high heart rate alerts on my smart Watch and she said I have a high 140 heart rate. few minutes later doctor came in and I explained that I did a full panel STD check and my first test became preliminary reactive to HIV and they asked for recollection and I did give blood once again and this time it came out as HIV positive

She checked the results but didn’t made any comment on that and she asked me to show the rash that I have in the groin area, I have a small cyst there which seems to be going away with a antibiotic cream, it is the size of 3 to 4 centimeters and got decreased to one centimeter since the use of the cream and there is a slight temperature in that area and she confirmed that it’s just an ingrown hair.

I explained my sexual history and mentioned that I don’t have any symptoms other than the ingrown hair. Doc, I did took a quick Ora test from CVS came as negative 2 times https://ibb.co/YbBWb33 and said I have given a RNA test again which I’m waiting on results. She asked if you want to do another test, I’ve said whatever you recommend doctor and they are doing another test.

Me - what kind of test it it?

Doc - whatever the LabCorp or quest does, Idk

Me - Do you think if it is positive?

Doc - idk, let’s wait for your other test and as well as this one and see.

Me - what are the next steps?

Do - I will give you an infectious disease clinic details and you need to go there if it comes as positive.

Me - Can you check the first result, the qualitative RNA is not reactive?

Doc - checks it, let’s wait for the results.

Me - the rep on phone call mentioned that they couldn’t able to perform the first test completely, Do you think Qualitative RNA test is wrong on first one?

Doc - I was not aware, you need to wait for the results to confirm.

Me - okay, thank you.

I’m having full anxiety and depression these past few days. Couldn’t able to sleep, started having panic attacks, still waiting on those results.

Since many have asked what was my exposure?

I don’t have any exposure, it’s just a precautionary test I don’t want others to suffer because of me. I have used protection every time but did oral. My last sexual activity was almost 60 days ago. I don’t have any other health issues the last time I was sick with fever was because of food poisoning and an year ago and I’ve got a abscess from possibly an ingrown hair which was treated in ER. Previously with Covid one time 2 years ago and I don’t remember any major health issues. I’m very prone to acne and have back acne since long time.