Deadpool 1 eyes paint QC question
Deadpool 1 QC eyes issues question
People who own this figure or people who have watched reviews, what’s the QC issues like on the paint of his eyes? I’ve seen it very from different people where some videos the eyes look completely fine and others it looks really bad
Another question I have is I assume the deadpool 2 figuarts eyes are compatible with this one as it’s all the same mold and I own the second figure, but more curious if the black paint for eyes on the second figure is a colour match to the first one? That way I’m able to just put the eyes of the second figure onto the first without any worry
Deadpool 1 QC eyes issues question
People who own this figure or people who have watched reviews, what’s the QC issues like on the paint of his eyes? I’ve seen it very from different people where some videos the eyes look completely fine and others it looks really bad
Another question I have is I assume the deadpool 2 figuarts eyes are compatible with this one as it’s all the same mold and I own the second figure, but more curious if the black paint for eyes on the second figure is a colour match to the first one? That way I’m able to just put the eyes of the second figure onto the first without any worry