It finally happened…
After two years of playing on rust it finally happened… I was raided without them using any boom. I’ve seen and heard about guys going deep into bases usually door camping 2x1 but we had a full compound and at least 20 garage and armor doors.e and my two buddies all went afk and we only closed 1 door at the ground floor. All the other doors were completely opened from the roof up. The other team I guess were scouting and noticed it so they managed to get to our roof since our sentries were off at the time also. I walked past my monitor and I saw it from the kitchen me dead in the floor thinking it was just my teammate lol. When I finally got back on it was too late. Dudes were all the way in our main loot area and only 1 floor away from our TC. Luckily all our tier three items and boom were on that level and we managed to close the one armored door stopping them. But they had the top floor covered and were able to run our loot back and forth from our base to theirs as I just watched. When I saw it was only one dude left I grabbed a kit from a locker and was able to take him out and secure the doors. Lesson learned from this… don’t get comfortable just because you have a compound.