Crown Prince Haakon was contacted in 2020 by mother of ex about the abuse. The WHOLE royal family was present during at least 1 altercation on the Royal ship.
It has come out that Prince Haakon was contacted by the mother of Juliane Snekkestad about the abuse Marius inflicted upon Juliane during their 5 year relationship. Pictures and text messages to Prince Haakon have been handed over to the police. Juliane herself has previously also contacted Mette Marit about this, police confirmed earlier.
Another altercation is being investigated by police: in 2020 Marius and Juliana were on the Royal ship with the KING AND QUEEN, as well as the crown Prince and Princess, Märtha Louise and her three daughters. Juliana had hurt her hand and called a family member about needing medical attention. Marius became aggressive and Mette had to sit with Juliana in their room until he calmed down. It is unknown how Juliana had hurt her hand and if she ended up getting medical care afterwards.