Why are Romance books often synonymous to bad cover art?
I am obviously not a target audience for the publishers but how come simple, artsy, miscellaneous items covers are such a rarity that is normally saved for Special Print and such? Those look good overall and on the shelf, those look classy, those don’t embarrass you in public. Romance books can be a well-written, good quality literature so why cheapen and diminish their value (already very biased against) with those cringe, bad taste cover art? Is it more cost-effective? Doesn’t seem like it!
I am willing to forgive cringy titles but not the following:
- Cartoon Covers. Least of all evils, in my view. Although for the life of me I can’t understand the reasoning for ever making it a thing. It doesn’t look like an adult book while being (more often than not) a 5/5 level filth. It’s just wrong IMO. The characters’ cartoonish interpretations also mess with my own fantasy. Honorable mention in this category goes to {Bad Wrong Things by C.P. Harris}.
- Real people Covers. Just why? Let me please imagine how the characters look based on written descriptions all on my own. ‘Cos I don’t like your choices. And I generally just don’t like these random strangers staring at me from books. Those are not movie posters aimed to lure me to watch a film with a celebrity face. Although I just generally hate covers depicting real people even if their faces are not shown. Just as tacky. Honorable mention goes to {Temptation series by Ella Frank} and all the Jade West books.
- 2000s-style middle school-level photoshop project. It’s pretty self-explanatory, I think. Honorable mention in this category goes to original (?) edition of {DARLING SERIES SERIES BY S.J. TILLY}.
So what do you think? Does cover art bother you at all or influence your next book choice in any way?