More than one… umm… cock a doodle doo

Edit: my first thought when I saw all the recs was “dear gods what have I done.” My second thought was 😈😈😈😈😈😈 thank you all SOOOO much. My kindle recs are about to get real weird. Can’t wait 😂😂😂

I just learned that’s a thing??? Can I get some recs for a beginner trying to dip their toe in the water of a being with more than one genitalia? MF or MMF… or MMMF 😂😂😂

Also I’m not really worried about how tame or wild it is. My first foray into the land of detachable parts was a demon, headless hunter, leprechaun, and shapeshifter where the guy detached his head for umm self pleasure 😂 so bring in all the recs. Please and thank you.